Rebrand Klim- en Bergsportfederatie

Klim- en bergsportfederatie


Website Design
Marketing Strategy

Social media
Stationary designs
Launch Campaign
Design Templates

VAD is het Vlaams expertisecentrum voor alcohol, illegale drugs, psychoactieve medicatie, gokken en gamen. Het is de partnerorganisatie van de Vlaamse overheid in het kader van het preventiebeleid voor alcohol- en andere drugproblemen. VAD is ook de koepel van de Vlaamse organisaties die werken rond alcohol en andere drugs. De  publieksservice wordt De Druglijn genoemd.

VAD wil bewustwording creëren bij twee hoofddoelgroepen. Enerzijds wil ze de clubleden laten reflecteren over hun eigen gedrag en duidelijk maken dat meer sportkennis niet leidt tot meer winst. Anderzijds wil VAD clubbestuur en sportfederaties laten nadenken over het gokken binnen het clubgebeuren.

Onze uitdaging?

Een succesvol creatief concept uitdenken, inclusief een sensibiliseringscampagne lanceren rond het deelnemen aan sportweddenschappen, waarbij de marketing & communicatie feilloos is, zodat VAD meer mensen kan bereiken en op die manier probeert op te boksen tegen de grote pro gokorganisaties.

Our approach

Streamlining their strategy
Before starting the identity design, we went over KBF’s communication strategy, really nailing down what it is they want to portray to the outside public. We defined things like their purpose, mission, vision and values while creating an ideal target persona for the federation.

A brand personality
Through the use of brand archetypes, we created a brand personality for KBF, resulting in characteristics, desires and fears that we can base the rest of their identity on. We combined their strategy and personality into 3 moodboards that would be used as a general direction for the design.

We got started with every single part of their brand and gave it a complete overhaul. Logo, colors, typography, patterns, photography style, brand voice, etc… After 2 short feedback rounds in which we finetuned some details, we ended up creating the new brand and combining all of the new guidelines in an in depth brand book.

Brand launch
In november, we combined their brand launch campaign with a subs-renewal campaign, taking the momentum of the brand new look & feel and using it to get more people to join the adventurous KBF community.

The results?

Key take-aways


Strategise before the design phase
When we got to the brand identity, we were able to minimise feedback rounds because we took enough time to really understand what they wanted to communicate.


Easy mockups help in brand consistency
Because KBF now has plenty of easy to use mockups, they can stay really consistent when communication their brand to the outside world.


Combining campaigns
Combining both the rebrand and the sub-renewal campaign in one allowed us to create a lot of momentum during the most important part of the year for KBF.

Let's talk!

Do you have an own project you’d like to discuss? We offer a free strategy call where our consultant will give you advice on the spot and you can get to know how we work.


Did you know?

We love guiding people towards their dream. We also love sports, health, ànd coffee.
So if you have an idea or goal you'd like to reach, let us know, and you'll make us happy and let us help you while drinking a (virtual) coffee together! No strings attached!
Select your suitable timeslot or contact us.